Keepers of the Heart

I once heard it said that woman are keepers of the heart. In the household, we are the ones who seem to know how everyone is feeling and if the balance is in order inside each of our family members. This roll has been close to my heart as a helpmate and the mother of two very male and extremely female children.

The way I check on them, the way I let them feel seen and stewart the tender pieces of themselves that they share with me, this is an honor I do not take lightly. Recently I read a beautiful book by a woman who's walk with the Father is so beautiful. She reminded me that as God's children who have been given intimate access to the Father through Jesus. It is our responsibility to take care of God's heart.

The God of the heavens who I proudly call my friend, He daily shows himself to me through His Word, through His creation, through His body and often in conversation. It is my responsibility as His family and His trusted friend to put weight behind every intimate glimmer of His heart.

Often the most honoring thing we can do when someone reveals a secret part of themselves is to linger in the intimacy. Allow them to fill in more of the picture or relish being able to show themselves fully. I want to be this kind of friend and lover of God. It must be approached with intention and a heart that is ready to sit in the quiet places.

I am learning to do this more. Often reminding myself to not move onto my next objective. To not take the morsels that God gives me and turn it into the song of my day never realizing that He was just getting warmed up or that He didn't want me to leave our secret place just yet. I want to hold His heart as carefully as I hold my Children's. I want to be the Keeper of His Heart!

Matthew 11:27
You have entrusted me with all that you are and all that you have. No one fully and intimately knows the Son except the Father. And no one fully and intimately knows the Father except the Son. But the Son is able to unveil the Father to anyone he chooses.

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